September 2018 Reading List

September 2018 Reading List

What to read this month, books i’ve picked up recently and my thoughts on them + what i’m diving into next// WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING, COOKING FROM OR BROWSING THROUGH FOR INSPO?

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still me //

Somehow I skipped the other books in this trilogy, but that didn’t stop me from not being able to put this down. I was initially drawn to the story, simply because it sounded relatable- a young woman moving from a small town to New York, trying not to drown in the chaos that is the city, and learning to make her way while discovering who she truly is. The ways in which the struggles of the city helped the main character, Louisa, find herself were incredibly relatable to me, and appreciated the author showing both the grit and glamor of living in the city (especially since the grit is often overlooked in fictional stories). I also appreciated that there was just enough fashion, hustle, romance and drama to accent and round out the story, without ever becoming overpowering of the overall narrative.

Things that happened before the earthquake //

I selected this book to read because I liked that the narrative is built around the typical Hollywood story, someone moving to LA to “make it big”, yet it shows the real side of what that actually means, the struggles, the financial burdens, the repercussions, the reality of the LA that no one shows or talks about, especially during a troubled time for the city. But I have to admit, this book just wasn’t for me. While it has won its’ fair share of awards and accolades, it just couldn’t win my attention. I found myself skipping pages of slowly told stories, struggling to get through chapters, uncomfortable with much of the narrative, and, honestly, not sad at all when I received a notification that the book was due at the library (even though I had barely made it a third of the way through). I really wanted to read this entire book (and like it) but I just couldn’t do it.

feast by firelight //

With the changing of seasons and the coming of fall, I’m gravitating towards all things cozy, even in the book department. While we don’t currently have any cabin or camping getaways planned, they still remain one of my favorite fall trips, which is why I couldn’t help but pick up this book. It just oozes coziness, I adore the beautifully rustic photography and I can’t get enough of the recipes that are anything but the basic campfire hot dog dinners of childhood.

Up Next: Maine + Handcrafted Maine (because I’m missing the state something fierce), Another Woman’s Husband, and The Last Letter from Your Lover (because I need more JoJo Moyes in my life after loving “Still Me” so much).